New Service Application for Utilities
For NEW customers/Landlords:
The undersigned whose electronic request appears below applies to the Village of East Troy Utilities for Water and Sewer Service, to be supplied at the address herein described. The applicant(s) agrees to pay for said service as bills are rendered therefore in accordance with rates, rules and regulations in effect at the time of delivery (water rates are filed and authorized by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin). I understand that non-payment of the bills could result in disconnection of service.
I understand the cost of replacement water laterals or services from the curb stop to the building shall be paid for by the property owner.
I understand the property owner shall pay for the sewer laterals serving their property. The expense of laying service pipe from the main to the property line and of connecting such service pipe to the main shall be charged also to the property owner.
As a property owner of a rental property have reviewed the the Landlord/Co Signer Information provided on the Village's website,, and understand the Village is permitted by Wisconsin Statute § 66.0809 to place unpaid utility bills on the tax roll as a lien.Online Steps
Internal Application Review