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Okra Strut Sponsorship- Gold

This application is for:
Gold Sponsorship $1,500

Online Steps


Applicant Information


Be a Sponsor

The Irmo Okra Strut is currently accepting applications for participation in the 2023 festival.

Please carefully read the enclosed Policies and Procedures before signing the application.

*KEEP the Policies and Procedures information for your own records.
Friday September 27th (6:00 pm – 11:00 PM)  Saturday, September 28th (10:00 AM – 10:00 PM) 

Please be advised that the festival has new extended hours on Saturday night, until 10:00 PM.

Sales Items

Please list all of your merchandise items below with a description. Approved sales items will be indicated on your confirmation. 

Please SKIP this section if you will NOT be utilizing a booth space.

Parade Entry Information

If you have chosen NOT to participate, please SKIP this section.

The Irmo Oktra Strut Parade takes place Saturday September 30th at 9am.

Please carefully read the Okra Strut Parade Guidelines before submitting for participation.


I, the undersigned, wish to participate in the 2024 Okra Strut and have read and understand the policies and procedures attached on this application. I agree to abide by these policies and those that will accompany the confirmation if accepted for participation.  I understand that no refunds will be made for inclement weather.  

I, the undersigned, agree to be responsible for any loss of property or personal injury during the 2024 Okra Strut Festival and further release and indemnify festival management, the Okra Strut Commission and the Town of Irmo from any claims resulting there from.  

Please carefully read the enclosed Policies and Procedures before signing the application

Pending Review


Review in progress

