Special Events Permits Application
A Special Event (SE) is defined as any event held within the Town of Irmo that is open to the public, and could impact a Town right-of-way, or could affect public safety. The event must be approved by the Town Administrator and the permit fees are separate from any applicable rental fees obtained for the use of any Town facilities. The SE will not exceed two (2) consecutive days. Potential events include but are not limited to:
• Carnivals
• Concerts
• Displays
• Fairs
• Festivals
• Grand Openings
• Markets
• Parades
• Tent Sales
• Family Reunions
• Group Parties
A detailed, labeled site plan needs to be submitted with the application. It must include an approximate scale rendering of the location of tents, rides, tables, seating, location of food trucks/trailers, etc. being setup or brought in for the SE. A vendor list of what they are selling must be submitted and pre-approved by the Town Administrator.
• TENTS – can be no larger than 10X10 and must be free standing. Larger tents and/or those needing to be tied down will be subject to current temporary building code regulations.
• BOUNCE HOUSES / CARNIVAL RIDES – must be set up and run by certified personnel holding the appropriate liability insurance.
• PARKING – food trucks and/or trailers cannot use more than 3 parking spaces each while set-up
• FOOD TRUCKS/TRAILERS – must submit copies of SCDHEC Food Service Permits with application (DHEC does have a no cost Food Service SE permit). Only three (3) Food Trucks and/or trailers will be allowed at each SE and must be invited by the event host and included on the event permit. There is a separate $35 permit fee charged to each food truck and/or trailer.
• ALCOHOL SALES – will require copies of the appropriate state permits and proof of insurance.
• BARRICADES – if needed can be requested through Public Services at (803) 781-7050.
Food Trucks: Must have their own business license.
Alcohol Sales: Check with DOR for Special Event Permit.
Issuance of a Town of Irmo Special Event Permit does not relieve the applicant of any other requirements from other regulatory agencies that may regulate specific activities associated with the event.
Online Steps
Digital Signature
Pending Review
Review in Progress
Staff Approved | Pay to Irmo
Special Event Permit
Special Events Permit Application Fee