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Application for Connection to Public Sewer


All connections to the sewer system must be approved in advance by the Tyngsborough Sewer Commission (TSC).  Refer to the Tyngsborough Sewer Commission “Rules and Regulations” for specific information.

Follow these steps to properly connect to the Tyngsborough Sewer System:

1.    Contact the Tyngsborough Sewer Department to verify availability of connection.

2.    Select a licensed drainlayer/licensed installer from the most current list of approved drainlayers, available at the Sewer Department.  You may want to obtain three (3) licenses before selecting a drainlayer to get the best price.

3.    For existing homes: contact the building department to request a plumbing safety inspection for protection of home owner from vapors/gasses.  There is a $25 fee to request this inspection.  The form and payment of fee is done through the building department.  Please note this request for inspection does not involve pulling a plumbing inspection and cannot be done online.  

4.    Once you have selected a drainlayer/installer, they will need to apply for any permits (i.e. roadway/ trench permit) through the building department.  Once that trench permit has been received, they can fill out the trench permit # on the “Application for Connection to Public Sewer” and sign the application.  Applicant can fill out remainder of information on the form.  Drainlayer/Installer may obtain information on the invert depths by contacting the Sewer Foreman.

5.  Pay all fees associated with sewer connection. Fee amounts will vary based on each application and will be assessed after staff reviews your online application.

6.    Drainlayer/Installer must contact Sewer foreman prior to beginning any work, to receive approval on plans, etc.  48 hours notice shall be provided to the Sewer Foreman prior to installing the line.  Upon approval by the Foreman, the line can be installed by the licensed drainlayer/installer.  The line must be exposed and visible for inspection.  Upon approval, the line can be covered and completed.  After installation the drainlayer must provide as-built drawings to the Foreman.  Once tied-in to the sewer system, you will be responsible for payment of sewer usage fees. 

7.    For existing homes: Your septic system must be pumped and decommissioned per Board of Health procedures.  In general, the Board of Health will require that the drainlayer fill out an “Application for the Abandonment of a Septic System.”  A licensed septic hauler must pump out the septic system and provide a pump out slip.  The building sewer pipe to the septic system must be disconnected and closed off.  The septic tank must be crushed and filled with sand or gravel.  Leaching beds shall be left in place.  The Board of Health must be contacted for specific information.  

8.    When work is complete, TSC should receive all remaining paperwork on the connection, such as Board of Health form for abandonment of septic, a pump out slip for septic and the as-built drawing for the actual location of connection. 

For additional information or questions, please contact the Tyngsborough Sewer Department at (978)743-5354 or kcayer@tyngsboroughma.gov

Online Steps


Application information


Sewer Department Review of Application


Sewer Department confirmation of Installer's documentation


Sewer Department communicates status of application


Payment for Sewer Connection

Calculate fee structure and relay to applicant